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Chitkara University Hosts Strathmore Business School for Healthcare Module

Published on March 13, 2024 | 123 views

Business School for Healthcare Module - Chitkara University

Chitkara University welcomed a dynamic team of 35 students from Strathmore Business School, Strathmore University, Kenya, as they embarked on an enlightening MBA-Healthcare International Module at the Department of Healthcare Management, Chitkara Business School.

The exchange program, a testament to the vibrant India-Africa collaboration, sets the stage for a transformative academic experience. Under the gracious reception of Dr. Madhu Chitkara, Pro-Chancellor, Chitkara University, the students were introduced to the rich tapestry of Indian healthcare. Led by Prof. Keerti Pradhan, Department of Healthcare Management, Chitkara Business School, they will delve into various facets of the healthcare landscape, from teleconsultation advancements to rural healthcare dynamics.

An engaging exhibition was held, showcasing innovative solutions and technologies driving the Indian healthcare sector forward. Through interactive sessions and hands-on experiences, they will gain invaluable insights into the challenges and opportunities shaping the industry.

The journey of cross-cultural immersion extends beyond the classroom, with scheduled visits to renowned hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and medical consumable manufacturing facilities. These experiential learning opportunities provide a deeper understanding of the intricacies of healthcare delivery in India.

Chitkara University eagerly awaits the unfolding of this enriching academic journey, fostering global connections and facilitating a robust exchange of knowledge and ideas in the realm of healthcare management. Through this collaborative endeavour, students from Strathmore Business School and Chitkara University will not only gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies of healthcare systems but also forge lasting bonds that transcend geographical boundaries. As they embark on this journey of discovery, Chitkara University remains committed to providing a transformative learning experience that prepares students to become future leaders in the dynamic and ever-evolving field of healthcare management.

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