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Chitkara University gets its first Solar Tree designed by engineering students

Published on May 20, 2013 | 2859 views

Students at Chitkara University believe in taking that unusual stride to gain more knowledge and explore the unthinkable. Following this, students of Electrical Engineering have designed, fabricated and installed a Solar Tree, as a part of their final year major project in the University Campus.

The solar tree installed in the campus imitates the design pattern of the lady palm tree, and it stands in front of the Edison block, near the flag post. It can take a load of up to 45 Watts, with a battery backup of at least one day.

The tree mainly caters to the needs of street lighting and public decoration item in the campus. The solar tree aims at educating college students of the innumerable benefits of solar power and emphasizes on the need of setting up more and more such renewable energy powered projects across the globe. Akriti, Divyanshu , Harkaran and Sukhman Preet, final year students (Batch 2009-13),Electrical Engineering, under the able guidance of their project guide Anu Singla, worked towards the completion of this project which is now displayed in the garden adjoining the Galileo Block.
