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Chitkara University faculty honored with Marex Maritime Women Empowerment Award

Published on May 24, 2023 | 629 views

Women Empowerment Award - Chitkara University

Dr. Gulshan Dhillon, Assistant Professor at Chitkara University School of Maritime Studies, has been awarded the prestigious Marex Maritime Women Empowerment Award 2023 in the category of “Excellence in People Management.” This esteemed accolade recognizes her outstanding dedication and exceptional contributions to fostering gender equality and empowering women within the maritime industry.

Dr. Gulshan Dhillon, renowned for her expertise in people management and leadership, has played a pivotal role in revolutionizing the industry’s approach to empowering women in the maritime. Through her relentless efforts, she has strived to create an inclusive work environment that ensures equal opportunities for all, irrespective of gender, and nurtures talent across all levels of the maritime sector.

The Marex Maritime Women Empowerment Award, established by the esteemed maritime organization Marex, aims to honor individuals who have demonstrated exceptional leadership in empowering women in the maritime industry. Dr. Gulshan Dhillon’s remarkable commitment to championing gender equality and creating an environment conducive to professional growth and development has earned her this prestigious recognition.

Upon receiving the award, Dr. Gulshan Dhillon expressed her gratitude, stating, “I am deeply honored to receive the Marex Maritime Women Empowerment Award for ‘Excellence in People Management.’ This award is a testament to the collective efforts of numerous individuals who have tirelessly worked towards promoting gender equality and inclusivity within the maritime industry. I firmly believe that empowering women not only strengthens the workforce but also drives sustainable growth and success.”

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