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Chitkara faculty attends Pharmaceutica 2014’in USA

Published on March 28, 2014 | 2574 views

Mr Arvind Sharma from Chitkara College of Pharmacy, is currently representing Chitkara University in San Antanio, USA, in ‘Pharmaceutica-2014 -fourth International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmaceutics and Novel Drug Delivery Systems’.

Recent development in micro and nano-drug delivery systems, novel approaches like diffusion controlled delivery and novel pre-formulation, and formulation strategies have reoriented the focus of almost all the Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical R&D’s towards Novel Drug Delivery Systems (NDDS).

This has diverted a major section of research to focus on formulating a variety of poorly soluble and highly unstable substances, reporting it to be the significant arena in pharmaceutical research. At past three conferences, the focus was on exploring the novel research in the field of pharmaceutics and NDDS, this year people are sharing their experiences with the world leaders from Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Research rendering their expertise in preformulation, formulation, and physiological approaches associated with pharmaceutical moieties.

Mr Arvind has expressed his gratitude to Chitkara University for giving him this opportunity and making him explore his potential through the same.

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Mr Arvind Sharma

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