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Chitkara College of Pharmacy ranked 17th in India by AICTE-MHRD-NIRF-ranking

Published on April 8, 2016 | 4225 views

Dr. Madhu Chitkara, Vice-Chancellor, Chitkara University, and delegates from “The Republic of Peru” honoured the fraternity of Chitkara College of Pharmacy for being ranked 17th amongst more than 500 Pharmacy Institutions in India by AICTE-MHRD -NIRF-ranking released by MHRD on April 4, 2016.

The NIRF provides for ranking of institutions under five broad generic parameters, namely:

  • Teaching, Learning and Resources
  • Research, Consulting and Collaborative Performance
  • Graduation Outcome
  • Outreach and Inclusivity
  • Perception

Web of Science (Thomson Reuters), Scopus (Elsevier) and Indian Citation Index was used for retrieving data on publications, citations and collaborations.

Smriti Zubin Irani, HRD Minister, stated that the ranking framework will empower a larger number of Indian Institutions to participate in the global rankings, and create a significant impact internationally too. “I see this as a sensitization process and an empowering tool, and not a tool for protection,” she added.

MHRD states that they have taken every care to be objectively neutral in this work. However, it became necessary at times to effect data corrections. However, the number of such interventions is very small and in all cases had little possibility to impact the over-all ranking process.

This is indeed a grand feat for Chitkara University as a lot of hard work has gone into this. We congratulate the faculty and staff of Chitkara College of Pharmacy for making this possible.



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