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Chitkara College of Pharmacy at International workshop on scientific writing skills

Published on November 14, 2014 | 2600 views

Students from Chitkara College of Pharmacy represented Chitkara University in ‘The International Workshop on Scientific Writing Skills’. It was time for our young enthusiasts to display their writing skills pertaining to science.

Four M-Pharmacy (Pharmaceutics) Final year students Priya Nangru, Garima Singh, Kanav Midha and Mohit Bhagrath of Chitkara College of Pharmacy, Chitkara University, Rajpura, Punjab participated in ‘The International Workshop on Scientific Writing Skills’ at CGC, Landran, Mohali.

It was a learning experience for our students as they explored their potential at the platform provided to them. There were several colleges from the region that were a part of the workshop. Our faculty members also accompanied the students and helped them in every way they could.

International Workshop on Scientific Writing Skills’