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Chitkara Alumnus represented us at McGill University in Montreal

Published on July 23, 2013 | 2412 views

It is a moment of pride for everyone at Chitkara University as Kavijit Singh, a Chitkara alumnus, represented us at Model United Nations Conference at McGill University.

It is one of the world’s largest MUN conferences. There were thousands of students from around 15 countries, who had participated in 22 different committees. Kavijit Singh, from the 2008 Batch of Chitkara University, represented us in this conference held late last year in Montreal.

Kavijit was the delegate of ‘International Telecommunications Union’ in the ‘Social Media Summit’ where the topics of Privacy Issues concerning Social Media Sites and Governance of Internet were intensely debated.

Several global issues were debated on at the event. The students were addressed by many keynote speakers in the opening and closing ceremonies at the conference.

The conference had some UN ambassadors as Chief Guests. It was a four-day event where Kavijit’s performance was highly recognized and appreciated.


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