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Chef’s Club of Chitkara School of Hospitality‬ organized workshop on “Food Presentation” on August 7, 2015

Published on August 11, 2015 | 3038 views

Food presentation is as essential to the success of a dish as its taste and flavour. The way the food looks on the plate is what tempts our eyes and makes us want to taste it. It is just as true with food presentation and how the elements are arranged on the plate. Chef Abeekh, Chef Ankit and Chef Diwakar, the Resource persons explained the participants the nuances of modern food presentation and the current trends. The budding Chefs participated with enthusiasm and learnt the art of Modern plate presentation. Some of the dishes demonstrated and presented were: Herb crusted lamb roll with corn puree, carrots and Zucchini, Chicken terrine Mosaic, Lamb Roulade with mint sauce.
The work-Shop proved useful for the students as they are ones who will carve fancy yet mouthwatering delicacies in the times to come.


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