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CCE presents overview of achieved result of CLIL@India Project at final CLIL Conference held in Manipal

Published on September 21, 2019 | 1401 views

Dr. Sangeeta Pant, Dean, Chitkara College of Education; represented Chitkara University at CLIL@India Project at the final CLIL Conference held at Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) on September 5-7, 2019.

Dr. Sangeeta was invited as a Panellist for a discussion on ‘Implementing CLIL in India: Rethinking Multilingual Education’. The session chaired by Dr Sangeeta Pant was themed ‘Connecting Content and Language in Indian Education’. Dr Sangeeta also presented a paper on ‘Language across the curriculum through CLIL Pedagogy: A comparative study’.

Dr Parul Sood, Associate Professor, CCE; also attended the conference and presented a Paper. Dr Parul’s Paper was titled, ‘What thought leaders think of the potential merits and pitfalls of content and language integrated learning (CLIL) in Indian perspective for preserving its multilingualism’. Mr Aarti Joshi, Deputy Dean, CSL; and Mr. Amit Prasher, Jr System Analyst; had also represented Chitkara University at MAHE and attended the final CLIL Conference.

Dr Sangeeta Pant and Dr Parul Sood also presented an overview of the achieved result of CLIL Project during Executive Board meeting held on September 7, 2019, at MAHE.