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CBS faculty bagged Business Simulation Winner Award

Published on May 5, 2014 | 3120 views

Dr Kiran Mehta and Dr Renuka Sharma, Faculty of Chitkara Business School, attended Faculty Development Programme (FDP), on CAPSTONE@ Business Simulation organized by the CAPSIM@ Management Simulation, Inc., (Founded in 1985), USA at BIMTECH, Noida.

CBS faculty got Business Simulation Winner award for the Business Simulation Competition done at the FDP among all the participants. Prof. Dharam Pal, Managing Director, SansRisk Business Solutions and an authority over Business Simulation was the resource person. The entire activity comprised 6 Rounds and at the end of 6th Round, their team was evaluated on various parameters like Corporate wealth, EPS, Cash flows, Group Decisions, Market Price of their company, Total Market Share, Customer Awareness, ROA, ROS, ROE, Leverage and so on.

(CAPSIM®) is a leading virtual business simulation program provider worldwide and is a member of the AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business). Its Capstone® Business Simulation is the best-selling business simulation that teaches strategy/tactics, accounting, marketing, finance, human resources, teamwork, leadership, and other topics. CAPSIM®’s Comp-XM®, used in conjunction with Capstone®, evaluates the business acumen of participants. CAPSIM® works with more than 550 universities, including Harvard, Wharton, Northwestern and Vanderbilt, as well as countless high schools and leading businesses, such as Microsoft, Alcoa, BP, Allstate, Samsung, General Motors and Goldman Sachs.

Chitkara Business School congratulates Dr. Kiran Mehta and Dr. Renuka Sharma and wish them grand success in their future efforts.

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