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BSc Nursing students visit Sewage Treatment Plant, understand nuances of waste treatment & reuse

Published on December 17, 2018 | 3691 views

An educational visit to Sewage Treatment Plant was organised on December 13, 2018, for the students of B. Sc Nursing (2nd year) and Post Basic B. Sc Nursing (2nd year) as a part of their study curriculum under ‘Community Health Nursing’ module. The purpose of the visit was to familiarize the students with the procedure of waste treatment and reuse.

The visit was facilitated by Mr. Tejinder Singh, administrative in charge of Sewage Treatment Plant. Students were divided into two groups, with 32 members each, under the guidance of Mrs. Lija Mathew and Ms. Ranjana Dhiman, faculty from Chikara School of Health Sciences. The working of the 30 MGD Sewage Treatment Plant was well explained by Mr. Tejinder and the other two assistants in charges.

The visit included explanation and demonstration by the facilitators, who explained all the details and benefits of the Sewage Treatment Plant. A step by step guide describing what happens at each stage of the treatment process and how various contaminants are removed was explained as batches of students were taken for rounds in the treatment plant and shown the different chambers where the sewage is centrifuged and the final byproduct sludge is recycled. During the visit, students also became familiar with the working principle and functions of various units of treatment plant such as screens, grit chamber, primary clarifier, aeration tank, secondary clarifier, sludge digester, etc. During the plant visit, students also learnt about the daily monitoring of treated water waste by various chemical analysis.

The visit was quite helpful for the students to get the practical knowledge regarding the functioning and process of wastewater treatment plant, and learnt how it can be used for irrigation purpose in public gardens and various agricultural fields. Towards the end of the visit, students asked many questions and also cleared their doubts regarding bacterial removal system from the sewage water.

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