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Students of Chitkara School of Mass Communication visit Press Information Bureau

Published on March 3, 2022 | 1175 views

Chitkara School of Mass Communication students undertook an academic visit to Chandigarh’s Press Information Bureau. MAJMC (semester 2) students visited the Regional Outreach Bureau and Press Information Bureau of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in Chandigarh. The authorities provided them an overview of the organization’s operations, hierarchy and how the central government communicates with the public through various media channels about its policies, plans, and accomplishments for the nation’s growth. Rajinder Chaudhary, ADG, Sapna, Dy. Director, Sangeeta Joshi, Asst. Director, Harshit Narang, Asst. Director, Hitesh Rawat, Ahmad Khan, Pavitra Singh, Vartika and other Ministry officials were among those who interacted with the students.

The Press Information Bureau (PIB) is the nodal agency of the Government of India to disseminate information to the print and electronic media on government policies, programmes, initiatives and achievements. It functions as an interface between the Government and the media and also serves to provide feedback to the Government on people’s reaction as reflected in the media. PIB disseminates information through different modes of communication viz. press releases, press notes, feature articles, backgrounders, photographs, database available on Bureau’s website. Information disseminated is released in English, Hindi and Urdu and subsequently translated in other Indian languages to reach out to about 8,400 newspapers and media organizations in different parts of country. In addition, PIB organizes Press Conferences, Press Briefing, Interviews of the Minister’s /Secretary’s and other senior officers for sensitizing media persons on important policy initiatives of the Government. The Bureau also conducts Press Tours to successful project sites to enable media to have first-hand account of developmental activities going on in the country.

Students posed a number of questions on the operation of government media and discussed career opportunities in the industry. Dr. Ashutosh Mishra, the School’s Dean, joined the students.

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