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NSS volunteers from CSPA visit All India Pingalwara Charitable Society, Chandigarh Branch, Palsora

Published on April 7, 2015 | 3491 views

Our NSS‬ volunteers from Chitkara School of Planning and Architecture and Chitkara College of Education visited All-India Pingalwara Charitable Society, Chandigarh Branch, Palsora (Mohali).

The students interacted with people and played games with them. The students entertained the specially challenged patients by dancing with them. Volunteers visited the museum of the charitable society.

Pingalwara is a home for disabled, handicapped, crippled, insane, mentally retarded, orphan, aged and persons suffering from incurable and terminal diseases. This heaven for the human discards was created by one man: Bhagat Puran Singh. He had no material resources but he had unflinching faith in his mission that he was servant of the hapless and forlorn and God was the provider for his work, so he would pick up all the destitute sick people he came across. This noble cause of his has made this home house several patients and they all live here as a family. Our students made a genuine and a sincere effort to interact with these people and warm up to them.


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