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75th Independence Day Celebrated on campus

Published on August 15, 2022 | 323 views

“Nationalism is inspired by the highest ideals of the human race – Satyam (the true), Shivam (the god), Sundaram (the beautiful). Nationalism in India has aroused the creative faculties that for centuries had been lying dormant in our people.”

The journey towards freedom wasn’t achieved overnight; it was the culmination of persistence and unwavering passion to set free the golden bird from the clutches of the British. On the 75th anniversary of Independence, our University was painted in the colors of patriotism as the dusk began to pave the way for a new dawn. It was a day filled with festivity, with alleys adorned with tri-color, pedestals set up to unfurl the flag, and hymns of patriotic songs reverberating around the campus.

The festivities commenced with the arrival of Hon’ble Pro Chancellor, Dr. Madhu Chitkara, being escorted to the arena for flag hoisting by the NSS and NCC cadets. The unfurling and hoisting of the flag were followed by an elegant parade by the student cadets of Army, Navy and Airforce. The rhythmic beat of their feet and the pride they exuded while giving their salute of honor to the flag and Madam Pro Chancellor was a sight to behold.

The traditional ceremony of freeing the pigeons, symbolizing the “Flight of Freedom of the Golden Bird,” was then carried out by Hon’ble Pro Chancellor Madam along with the Registrar and Director, OSA, Dr. Neelam Verma. After this symbolic ceremony, children gathered along with Dr. Madhu Chitkara, and several balloons in the colors of the Tiranga were released into the sky to fill it with the colors of our Nation.

The cultural program that followed had a theme of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav. The grandeur of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose’s acts led our country on the path to becoming one of the most important democracies in the world. The students of the C2S2 club presented a musical drama so majestic that it left everyone awe-struck. The drama was based on the trials faced by the Azad Hind Fauj and how their demeanor stood tall in the face of martyrdom. It was a depiction of the sacrifices made by our invincible soldiers, the custodians of India’s national honor, and the embodiment of India’s hopes and aspirations.

As the cultural program came to an end, the felicitation ceremony of the students who brought laurels to Chitkara University at various NSS camps, NEYP, and NCC camps took place. These students were awarded and appreciated for their efforts by Hon’ble Dr. Madhu Chitkara.

This was followed by a Tree Plantation ceremony where Dr. Madhu Chitkara planted various saplings with the intent of making a greener and better India. The day was concluded by capturing various moments of deans, directors, faculty, and staff immersed in the feeling of patriotism. This day was the most symbolic representation that patriotism is not just a feeling but a state of mind.

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