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The Institution of Engineers (India)

The Institution of Engineers (India), IEI, is the largest multidisciplinary professional society of engineers, established in 1920.

IEI, with its headquarters in Kolkata, operates through 101 State and Local Centers, located at capital cities and towns of industrial and academic importance all over the country, and five Overseas Chapters at Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Dubai, Kuwait, and Qatar.

IEI encompasses 15 engineering disciplines with an overall membership of over 6.5 lakhs. The Institution has bi-lateral relations with 27 Engineering Organisations worldwide in addition to full membership of some organisations like WFEO, FEISCA, FEIAP, CEC, WMC and IPEA.

IE(I) Students’ Chapter at Chitkara University, Punjab Campus

The Students’ Chapter of IE(I) was ceremoniously inaugurated at Chitkara Campus by Er R. P. Garg, Chairman, Institution of Engineers (India), Punjab, and Chandigarh State Centre, on March 16, 2010.

Since the very beginning, IE(I) is known for imparting education par excellence by providing ample opportunities to the students for pro-active learning. Some of the important activities organised by Students’ Chapter are:

Year 2010

  • The Students Chapter organized Digital Poster Presentation Competition and Project Showcase related to the theme of National Conference on Smart Energy – Generation, Promotion and Conservation, 2010, held on January 15-16, 2010.
  • VITRINE -Innovation Unleashed, a Digital Poster Presentation Competition was organized during Tech-Fest ‘PRAUDYOGIKII’10. The event got an overwhelming response with 32 entries from different colleges of India.
  • Pulkit Jain (ECE) was invited to give a presentation at a seminar on ‘Solid Waste Management’, held at the Punjab & Chandigarh State Centre of IEI, in February 2010. Many esteemed personalities of the field were present to adorn the event and greatly appreciated the message of ‘Waste to Wealth’ delivered during the presentation.
  • The students of EE and BCA participated in the Projects Competition Tech-Montrer organized by Students Chapter of IEI on April 27, 2010.
  • Pulkit Jain (ECE) and Harinder Kaur (EE) were the handpicked students, who were invited at the seminar on ‘National Building Code’ organized by the Punjab & Chandigarh State Centre of IE(I) on May 8, 2010 to present their views among the renowned dignitaries present at the event. Harinder Kaur gave a presentation on ‘New Technologies for Fire Prevention and On-Site Sewage System’ while Pulkit Jain shared his views on ‘Zero Energy Buildings’. Er Anu Singla , Faculty Adviser- Students’ Chapter was awarded for being the guiding force behind the technical activities organized in C.I.E.T. and outside under the realms of Institution of Engineers (India).
  • Expert Talk on ‘Overview of Large Hadron Collider Project’ by Prof Jasbir Singh, Director UCIM, Panjab University, was organized on September 8, 2010.
  • Priyajeet (ECE) was elected to All-India Student Committee of IE(I) and was invited to attend meeting at Hyderabad.
  • Babita (ECE) received a scholarship of Rs 3500/- from IE(I).
  • Expert talk on ‘Sensors, Transducers and their use in Power Plants’ by Er Mandeep Singh, Thapar University, Patiala, was organized for the students.
  • IEI student members took the initiative of celebrating Engineers Day at Chitkara Campus on September 15, 2010. Inaugurating the function, Dr Satish Kumar, Director TBRL, Chandigarh, paid rich tributes to the legendary Engineer Bhart Ratan Sir M. Visvesvaraya for his pioneering contribution to the process of planned economic development of the country by starting a number of projects. The student members also participated actively in Engineers Day celebration at Punjab & Chandigarh State Centre, Chandigarh.
  • The Students’ Chapter celebrated the World Habitat Day on October 4, 2010, under the theme “Better City, Better Life”.

Year 2011

  • VITRINE 2.0, Digital Hack and Eklavya: These events were organized by IE(I) during the fest Praudyogikii’11 held on March 4 and 5, 2011, at Chitkara University. Harinder Kaur received Best Student Volunteer award.
  • Industrial visits to Nahar Industrial Enterprises Limited, Dappar, Pepsico Works, Chano, BCC Fuba and Elchem Circuits, Nalagarh, Punjab Communications Limited, Mohali and Hindustan Unilever Limited, Rajpura, were organised for the budding engineers under the IE(I) students’ chapter.
  • Priya Mehla and Sunpreet Kaur Kharoud won accolades and recognition for their technical paper on ‘Distributed Temperature Monitoring in Transformers using FBG Sensor’, which was published in the June, 2011, issue of the renowned Electrical Engineering Divisional Journal of IE(I).
  • Maninderjit (EE) and his team were awarded a Project R & D grant of Rs 15,000/-, which was presented to them by President of IE(I) at an impressive function held in Kolkata in August, 2011.
  • Expert lecture on Transformer Failures and Remedies by Er Anil Kohli, CEO, EESSI, Panchkula was organized on August 8, 2011.
  • IE(I) Students’ Chapter celebrated 44th Engineers Day on September 15, 2011. Ar Pallav Mukherjee, Chandigarh, while addressing the students shared his experience on Disaster Management. The inaugural function was followed by various technical events organized by students:
  • Event Technothon, a paper presentation stressing on the need of disaster management was organized.
  • Event Disputatio, a group discussion on the topic ‘Engineering Preparedness for Disaster Mitigation’ was organized.
  • Fallimento, a design oriented building making program was held for students which saw a remarkable participation from 120 students.
  • Anurag Kaushal and Lovepreet Kaur (ECE) conducted the Engineers’ Day celebrated at the Punjab and Chandigarh State Centre of IE(I), Chandigarh .

Year 2012

  • Expert talk on Water Management: Issues and Challenges with special reference to Punjab by Dr. K. P. Singh, Professor Emeritus and UGC Fellow, Department of Geology, Panjab University, Chandigarh, (Former Director Water Management, Punjab State Council for Science and Technology) was organized on January 23, 2012.
  • Captio and Tecnico Literario technical events were organized for student members on January 24, 2012.
  • Events ‘Elixir’ and ‘Molino De Viento’ events were organized in the Techfest Praudyogikii ’12, which focused on creative thinking and application of engineering skills in the completion of the allotted tasks to the participants.
  • PBL Project Display ‘Tech-Montrer’ was organized on March 23, 2012, wherein students from Electrical Department displayed their working models of projects.
  • Akriti Sharma (EE) and Lovepreet Kaur (ECE), 4th Year B.Tech students, of Chitkara University, Punjab, participated at the Institution of Engineers, Punjab and Chandigarh State Centre, on the occasion of ‘World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2012’, May 17, 2012, as student guest speakers.
  • They modishly demonstrated their presentations on the theme ‘Women and Girls in ICT’, highlighting the need for women to take a leap in the information and communication technology industry and elaborating their vital role in development and progress of the country.
  • Akriti Sharma and Priyanka Saini student members participated in the ‘World Environment Day 2012’ celebrated at the premises of The Institution of Engineers, Punjab and Chandigarh State Centre, Chandigarh as student speakers on June 12, 2012.
  • Industrial visit to State Load Dispatch Centre (SLDC) & 220 KV sub-station, Patiala, was organized for Institution of Engineers (India) Student Chapter members of EE Department on August 24, 2012.
  • The Students’ Chapter of the IE(I) celebrated the World Habitat Day with the theme Changing Cities, Building Opportunities on October 5, 2012. Three events, namely Cognizance, Comp-a-Doodle, Your City Your Way, were organised for the students on the occasion related to theme of the day.
  • Sukmanpreet Kaur and Akriti Sharma participated as Masters of Ceremony of Annual General Meeting of Punjab and Chandigarh State Centre, Chandigarh, on October 27, 2012.

Year 2013

  • An expert talk on Smart Grids by Dr S. Chatterji, Prof. & Head, EE dept., NITTTR, Chandigarh, was organised on January 18, 2013.
  • Technical quizzes Atulya Bharat & Company Ville were organized on January 31, 2013, to test the lore of the participants about our motherland, ‘The Incredible India’ and to check the general awareness of the students regarding top most recruiting companies. The events were coordinated by Kartar Laur and Rohini Manchanda.
  • The students of EE & ECE, 6th sem, attended the workshop on ‘Save Water’ organised by Punjab & Chandigarh State Centre of The Institutions of Engineers, Chandigarh, on February 15, 2013.
  • Two events Magnes Spark and Technoholix on the occasion of the techno-managerial fest of college, Praudyogikii’13 held on February 22 and 23, 2013, were organised.
  • The Event Magnes Spark headed by Aastha Kapoor (EE) aimed to check the technical skills of the participants in practically applying the theories and principles of physics studied.
  • The Event Technoholix saw Pragya Khurana (ECE) as team leader and she aimed to check the technology quotient of the participants. It proved to be an exciting event that gave an opportunity to all the Technofreaks to showcase their knowledge and pragmatic thinking.
  • Akriti Sharma and Apoorva Dogra gave the presentations on Solar Trees and Conservation of Natural Resources-‘Utilizing Solar Water Heating- a project at Chitkara University’ respectively in the workshop on Solar Energy organised by Punjab and Chandigarh State Centre, Chandigarh. Both the projects are implemented in Chitkara University Campus and were applauded by one and all present there.
  • Priyanka Saini (3rd year) and Apoorva Dogra (4th year), students of Electrical Engineering, Chitkara University, Punjab, participated at the Institution of Engineers, Punjab and Chandigarh State Centre, on the occasion of ‘World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) – 2013’, May 17, 2013, as student guest speakers.
  • Shrey Dhiman (3rd year, EE) expressed his views on the theme of WTISD-2013, through a video. Kirandeep Kaur (3rd year, EE) conducted the stage as Masters of Ceremony, along with Priyanka Saini.
  • Priyanka Saini gave the presentation on ICT’s and improving road safety and Apoorva Dogra spoke on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Er S.L. Garg, immediate Past President IEI, President FEISCA, was the Chief Guest of the function. Er M.N. Sharma, Chairman, Punjab and Chandigarh State Centre, IEI appreciated the students’ performance.

Chitkara Institute of Engineering & Technology, Chitkara University, received the Life Institutional Membership of IE(I) in January, 2013.


The splendor with which the events were organized and executed by Students Chapter of IE(I), Chitkara University, is grandeur personified. So keeping up with its name, IE(I) Students Chapter won the title of The Best Students Chapter of C.I.E.T. for 2009-10. The chapter again won the Best Technical Society award for 2012-13 at Chitkara University giving a stunning example of what talent, ingenuity and hard work can accomplish.

Anu Singla is the Faculty Adviser of the Students’ Chapter of IEI. The executive committee of the Chapter is as follows:

Branch Faculty Adviser Student Convener

Anu Singla

Aastha Kapoor

Rashpinder Kaur

Pragya Khurana

Kulwinder Singh

Rohit Sonaria

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