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Skill Development Seminar on “Systematic Literature Review”

Resource Person : Ar. Mahfuzuar Rahman, Architect, Planner and Urban Data Analyst
Organiser : Chitkara School of Planning and Architecture, Chitkara University
Date : February 17, 2023at 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Venue : Corbusier Block, CSPA, Chitkara University
Mode : Hybrid
Registration Fee : Rs. 500/-

Payment Link : https://paym.chitkara.edu.in/national-skill-development-seminar-on-systematic-literature-review/

Registration Link : https://forms.gle/P3pB7efRj9WDCPXy5

Last Date : Registration till 14 February 2023 on first come basis.

Certificate: E-certificates will be given to the participants.

A National Seminar on “Systematic Literature Review for Architecture Faculty and Students” is organized with an objective to develop the expertise in conducting quality research. Research is a building block that can find answers to things that are unknown, filling gaps in knowledge and changing ways of thinking. The purpose of research is to discover answers to questions through the application of scientific procedures. Literature review is the first and one of the most important step in conducting the research. The seminar shall give a hands-on practice to early researchers on the way and tools used for doing a Systematic Literature Review.

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