Dataquest-IDC-NASSCOM Survey: India’s Best T-Schools – To the FORE at THIRTY-FOUR

29th Apr 2014

We are one of the finest and this is certified now with the Dataquest ranking again placing Chitkara University in India’s top 50 universities. Presently, Chitkara University holds 34th rank on the national ranking table. Specially noteworthy is the fact that we are the highest ranked university among all universities, i.e. We are No.1 in Punjab, HP, J&K and Uttarakhand. With this, Chitkara University has broken into the top 10 university in North India by placing 9th on the rank list.
This is indeed a grand feat for Chitkara University as a lot of hard work has gone into this. With plenty of new Universities mushrooming in the country, there was intense competition.

Dataquest has ranked universities according to their quality of education and infrastructure for more than five years now and Chitkara University has gained 15 places since the last year when it got reflected in the Dataquest ranking. We had broken into the top 50 last year itself, which is no mean feat since we were one of the youngest Universities, barely a decade into existence, to do so.

The Dataquest ranking proposes to further push the self-governance of higher education set-ups for the free quest for learning and improvement, and for encouraging access, consideration and open doors to all. Education needs to be accessible and this is exactly what Chitkara University has been trying for quite sometime now. It is evident from our reputation that we hold today that we have been successful in doing so.

Dataquest ranking also initiates accommodating extensive and all encompassing development of higher training and research in a focused worldwide environment through changes and remodel; and to accommodate a warning component of prominent associates in the educated community.

For Chitkara University, unmistakably, learning is the absolute most powerful weapon India must influence to turn into an investment superpower. Correct to the fact that the forthcoming development of this country lies in its capability to prep further its youngsters’ ability and education standards that ought to be global. For this, one needs to go past the talk and do something to raise the state of our education and present appropriate reparations in light of its change.

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