Chitkara University ranks 56th in “Top Private Business Schools in India 2021” in Business Today rankings

9th Nov 2021

Chitkara Business School has ranked 56th in “Top Private Business Schools in India 2021” in Business Today rankings. BUSINESS TODAY, is the largest-circulated business fortnightly in India. It is the best report of the business topography of the newly liberalised India. As the wave of change sweeps business, economy and society like never before, the magazine has ensured that its readers have all the necessary upgrades to challenge tomorrow. It gives its readers a deeper insight to completely understand of the world of business.

The first B-School survey was conducted by Business Today in the year 1998. At that time, there were a mere 422 B-schools approved by higher and technical education regulator, All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE ). The rankings were based on five main parameters, which were Learning Experience, Living Experience, Selection Process & Establishment, Future Orientation and Placement Performance. Chitkara Business School has been ranked 66th in Learning experience category, 94th in Placement Performance category and has achieved an overall rank of 82. The rankings are based on Objective data, Experiential and Perceptual survey.

In the overall ranking, Learning Experience carries a weightage of 250 marks, Living Experience carries a weightage of 150 marks, Placement Performance carries a weightage of 250 marks, Selection Performance carries a weightage of 150 marks and Future Orientation carries a weightage of 200 marks.

Rankings of professional and academic courses have existed for over a decade but in today’s complex and dynamic environment, where a large number of courses and institutes have come up during last few years, it is pertinent to separate the wheat from the chaff and bring out the best Professional and Academic Degrees/ Courses being offered in the country out of almost 50,000 colleges and institutes spread across the length and breadth of the country. The rankings are released in association with Marketing & Development Research Associates (MDRA).

MDRA collected and evaluated the B-schools based on the current year’s data to give stakeholders more realistic, updated and accurate information about the institutes. The final ranks were assigned based only on the objective data after various levels of cross-validation using multiple sources such as the institutes’ past data, colleges’ websites, government data, international accreditation bodies and others.

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