Chitkara Business School ranked as Best Business School in North India

17th Dec 2015

India’s aspirations need proper means that can nurture and fulfill the dreams of today’s generation and get a strong foothold in the coming competitive world. With great pleasure Chitkara University shares that it has been ranked as one of the finest business schools in India. Chitkara brings out some of the best professionals for the industry.

Business World B-School Survey 2015 ranked Chitkara Business School 38th among top private B-Schools of India. CBS is ranked best among states of Northern India (Punjab, Haryana, HP, Rajasthan).

This is a complex process that needs a lot of research to get the correct information about the required parameters and then the ability to use the information in a meaningful manner. This also requires the ability to cut through the immodest claims of many B-Schools on various aspects. The list of top B-Schools is a valuable guide that will help students pick their set of B-Schools to apply to. We feel that the survey helps a student decide which schools suits him or her the best.

There are several parameters taken into consideration while deciding some of the best business schools India has to offer. Quality of infrastructure, location of the school, placements, foreign tie-ups, image of the institute, quality of faculty and quality of students and we are proud to state that Chitkara University has been ranked based on all these parameters and more.

The parameters have been kept the same and scoring focused around the same calculation. The quantity of parameters incorporated is even more stringent, so, the rank speaks to what a student looks for. Chitkara is proud to announce that it takes pride in this rating and pledges to grow with every passing day.

This is not the first time when Chitkara University has found a significant place among top business schools of India, we have been ranked high on a regular basis. Chitkara Business School was rated as one of the top B-Schools the country houses, Careers 360 had additionally made rundown of first class B-schools in distinctive states and union region recently.

Chitkara looks forward to more such acknowledgements as it plans to adhere to excellent prodigy and student nurturing methodology.

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