Will AI Change the Animation Film Industry?

Animation Film Industry - Chitkara University

The present world is full of evolving digitalization and Artificial intelligence is one of the most important parts of it as it makes our life more and more proficient. AI empowers different projects and administrations that eventually assist us with doing ordinary things such as associating with companions, using email programs, and using ride-share administration.

AI has a bright future in many industries including the animation film industry. Most animators are deeply involved in their creativity but with the entry of AI, it pretty much seems that their art stands on the edge of alteration.

That said, AI is not going to replace human beings entirely. Instead, it will improve the creativity of animators. Most people think of AI and animation as two separate entities but the truth is that they work together.

In this blog, we will have a look at all the ways in which AI changes the animation film industry. Let’s begin.

AI In Animation:

Animation is highly dependent on the ability of people to imagine something. Some of the big names that come to our minds when we discuss animation are Walt Disney and Pixar but if we come to understand the uses of animation, there are endless possibilities that can be considered.

In the past, animation has been a pretty much labour-intensive process because animators have had to draw each frame for producing an entire movie while clicking the mouse multiple times. However, with the entry of AI in the field of animation, the entire process has been reformed. It is safe to say that it has escalated the results into something more beautiful.

The global animation market is expected to reach as much as USD 23.35 billion by the year 2026. The use of AI will play a huge role in developing the market. It is ensuring that it becomes easy to produce high-quality animations in record-less time with AI animation software applications. Some of the big companies use AI animation software applications for making time-consuming tasks simpler. Prominent examples are Adobe Sensei, Adobe Animate, Deepdream, etc.

Future of AI in Animation:

It shouldn’t be completely unbelievable that robots have the potential to work more efficiently than humans in many fields. When it comes to the animation film industry, in particular, AI has started converting this into a reality in recent times.

The future of AI in the animation film industry looks pretty promising. We will sum it up in some of the points mentioned below.

  • It is almost certain that Artificial intelligence will grab most of the tasks in the animation field in the future. The films could be entirely conceptualized by AI with the use of accurate calculations. Big data in the media and entertainment industry will be used in the animation industry.
  • Some jobs that are labor intensive may be made a lot more effective with the use of AI. There is a greater requirement for competent professionals who can prepare profound learning calculations for carrying out everyday assignments such as designing an advanced character.
  • AI also helps innovative artists focus on improving things as opposed to working on outlining by redaction method.
  • Artificial intelligence is all set to entirely mechanize animation duties that are not focused on an outline by outline. The AI-based progressed calculations are fit for the delivery of cutting-edge visualizations.

Artificial intelligence has affected many industries and people in the right ways. It is also boosting a lot in bringing interesting and fascinating movies. It can actually change our lives in more ways than one can possibly envision when it comes to the field of animation.


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