Wearable Technology In Fashion

Fashion - Chitkara University

The wearable innovation essentially suggests wearing footwear and dresses that can consolidate progressed electronic and processing advances for the design business. The kind of clothing piece is often called smart and intelligent textiles and clothing or just wearables in short.

The wearable innovation field is multidisciplinary in nature because it brings ideas from a wide range of disciplines including material sciences, PC designing, material planning, and style engineering. Clothing with hardware PCs and phones is not that big of a fantasy to come.

Wearable technology in fashion is something that has been created and is also on its way to changing the way in which clothes are used. The new originators of business have been practising wearable innovation pieces of clothing extensively and in interesting ways that can change the fashion world completely.

In this blog, we will see how wearable technology can change the fashion industry.

E-textiles: Smart clothing is equipped with technologies such as sensors, and microprocessors that can are put in for enhancing the functionality of textiles.

A smart shirt has the ability to monitor your heart rate, movement, breathing, and many other vital. That said, a smart jacket can also adjust the temperature based on weather conditions.

Smart clothing also comes with the ability to offer many possibilities for designers to create unique and extremely functional garments that include technology in a seamless way.

Augmented Reality: AR is a technology that imposes digital transformation in the real world offering new ways for consumers to engage with fashion products. AR is used in fashion to create a virtual dressing room where customers can try clothes without physically trying them on.

The technology is being used extensible in fashion to create virtual dressing rooms where customers can try clothes without physically trying them on. AR can also be used to offer product information and interactive experiences including virtual runway shows and 360-degree product views.

Handbags: there are many attractive elements such as inside lights that switch on automatically when anyone opens the bag in stylish handbags based on wearable technologies. The suitcases and handbag interiors can also light up with battery-operated LED illumination.

The handbags also allow hands-free calling, music listening, location pinning, voice recording, and picture taking among many other things while keeping many users linked to their devices. They might also get used to charging things like smartphones and other USB gadgets.

Workwear: Data will be the fundamental accessory when it comes to professional wear. The garments we wear to work will become sensor embedded and networked. They will have the capability of measuring our stress levels and also send us reminders about the coming obligations.

Prominent textile designers have also started using wearable technology in medical, military, and sports-related garments. All workers in blue and white-collar jobs can now be the new frontier for the internet.

Tech Accessories: Accessories such as smartwatches, bangles, key chains, wristbands, hoops, gloves, and anklets have managed to take the design game way ahead. They look great and also come in all metals.

In addition to raising the style quotient, they also add various assignments such as synchronizing with cell phones while going about selfie catches and following different exercises such as feelings of anxiety, pulses, monthly cycles, etc. They can also speak with cell phones.

Chameleon Effect: The chameleons change their shadings just as indicated by the climate in which they thrive. Wonder is not merely restricted to chameleons as smart textures are a rule used for offering comfort to wearers and their shading.

Clothes that come with fresh textures are engineered microfiber and are also becoming normal. A few clothes also have sensors in them that action biometrics and change the temperature.

There are also clothes that have implanted RFID innovation that permits clients to find and recover lost wearables. Shred garments join style and wearable innovation and capacity together.

Advances in Wearables:

The wearable technology pioneers have laid a solid foundation for many groundbreaking advances. In addition, it has also made it possible to achieve things that were otherwise only imaginable as an extension of the human self. Wearable technology emits data from our bodies and is also incredible for human health.


The development of technology has presented many dials and gauges that can record all the data that human bodies emit while enabling us to access real-time and make changes at the fundamental levels. There is no doubt that wearable technology in fashion shows a great deal of promise in the fashion sector.


Further reading