The Role of Communication Design in Social Change: Inspiring Action and Advocacy

Communication Design in Social Change - Chitkara University

Communication Design is the process of delivering a message to a target audience with the use of many media of audio and visual resources to motivate the audience to act on a desired action including spreading awareness about an issue or a product, making an informed decision and sometimes instilling an attitude.

As opposed to Art which can often be subjective as an individual expression and also allows room for interpretation, communication design requires the designer to strategically engage the spectator with a creative narrative that can form a link between the artwork and the person who views that artwork.

It can be said that the responsibility of a Communication Designer extends way beyond generating attractive visuals by using the power of design methodology and a strategy to transmit a clear and concise message engagingly.

Communication design plays a significant role in bringing social change by inspiring action and advocacy. In this blog, we will see how.

What is Communication Design?

Communication design is a systematic approach in which media and messages within an organization can be designed as an integrated process rather than a series of discrete efforts. This can be done by communication channels that are used for either informing or attracting the attention of people.

Design skills can be used for fitting to different people while also maintaining pleasurable visual design. This information can add media communication for getting the best results. In the communication discipline, the design seeks to attract, inspire, and even create desires while motivating people to take action.

The impact of communication is the bottom line of the commissioning body which can either help in building a brand or moving the process of sales. This can range from changing behaviours to promoting a brand message and disseminating information. Communication design involves using strategic business thinking and market research, creativity, and technical skills including color theory to get the best results.

How Does Communication Design Bringe Social Change?

At present, we live in an era that is governed by information technology and marked by a proliferation of visual vocabulary while shrinking viewer attention. A good communication design can give you clarity, effectiveness, and aesthetics while enriching the information hierarchy.

Design is the new art and to break the visual clutter in society, every piece of communication design must have clarity of form and content along with a deep understanding of the target audience. The tools used by a designer include form, colour, composition, text, sound, and animation for delivering a desired piece of communication.

As the present world continues to evolve at a breakneck speed, one of the most important functions of communication design is to handle different layers of complexities and assimilation. A communication design expert should first identify the problem and follow the ramifications for the goal of the design.

Communication design has actually evolved from delivering messages on the streets to becoming a popular career option at the present time and a sought-after career option. Modern-day communication designers have a wide range of tools at their disposal for catering to the problems, opportunities, and needs of contemporary societies, and with these tools, they deliver strong messages that bring about changes.

Communication Design Inspiring Action and Advocacy:

All societies grow and transform within a consistent flow of information exchange. From the urban environment to a public transportation system and the mass media ecology are vital sources of information that express and build a culture in many ways. For instance, advertising seeds cultural models of behavior and appearance and also promotes lifestyles, choices, and cultural values.

Design as a profession has many responsibilities. Communication design inspires action and advocacy in society because it aims to affect the behavior, knowledge, and attitudes of people as something that occurs after communication takes place. Visual communication design affects how social roles are defined and how a cultural language is constructed within a society.

Professionals in the field of communication design use traditional skills with new-age technological tools to propose unique and innovative solutions for ushering in a design-backed environment.

How Does Communication Design Help In Influencing Behaviour Change?

Communication design involves a systematic understanding of how human beings think and make important decisions. With this approach, the designers form the basis of thinking about common interventions that can lead to behavioral change.

Communication designers have the power to use design, technology, creative methods, and even psychology to find why most people do things the way they do and to figure out how a change can happen. To influence this change, the designers can figure out what a human needs to become successful.

The attempt of communication designers is to deal with all doubts, bad habits, and anxieties that a designer holds that can possibly come in the way of embracing the desired behavior or the pains that could be solved for a customer. Regardless, the challenges must be solved and societal change can be achieved using the power of design for the main purpose of creating behaviour change.

Pursuing a 4-year Bachelor of Design in Communication Design to Bring Social Change

Becoming a Communication Designer can help in bringing social change. You can get ahead in the vibrant and ever-developing field of communication design with a respectable qualification. Moreover, you can underpin your creative practice with a solid understanding of Communication design principles and the history of communication design.

With a detailed understanding of communication design, professionals can become capable of bringing social change by delivering strong messages on the topics that matter in the present world.

The program of a 4-Year Bachelor of Design in Communication Design helps in translating by using many media channels does not lie in traditional skills but also in their ability to think strategically in design and marketing terms. Design thinking helps in establishing credibility and influencing by using communication.

Summing Up:

Communication design can influence behavior change remarkably for creating a social change that inspires action and advocacy. If you have always been interested in becoming a designer who can contribute positively to the growth of society then you must educate yourself with a suitable degree that can put you on the path to success.

The four-year Bachelor of Design degree in Communication Design from Chitkara can help you in getting ahead while also underpinning your creative practice with a solid understanding of communication design strategies.


Further reading