Topic: accelerate your career with mba in data analytics

A Complete Guide to Become Data Analyst in India

A image with blurred background. On the right side of image Data Science wriiten in black bold text and some symbols are also given below. On the right side of the image student of chitkara university working on their laptop.
Every piece of information that we give out today is converted to data in some or the other way. From the chat you do on your mobile to the feedback you give in a restaurant, everything is data. Today, the technological revolution has transformed the...
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Benefits of MBA With a Data Analytics Specialization

The illustration shows the data analytics student of chitkara university
Data Analytics Everyone is Talking About But What Exactly is it? In order to find and study hidden patterns, relations, patterns, connections, and abnormalities as well as to support a concept, data analytics is required. It is the process of extrac...
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