International Yoga Day 2023: A Beginner’s Guide to Yoga Asanas

International Yoga Day

A thousand-year-old ancient practice that can calm your mind, body, and spirit, improve your strength and flexibility and help you feel connected. It’s none other than yoga. Yoga offers a holistic approach to achieving mental and physical well-being.

It’s not just about a series of poses, it’s a way to embrace balance, harmony, and discover ourselves. And as we approach International yoga day 2023, it’s time to embrace this ancient practice and connect with our inner selves.

International Yoga Day is celebrated globally every year on the 21st of June. Recognized by United Nations, this day aims to raise awareness about the value yoga provides in promoting holistic well-being. In recent years yoga has gained immense popularity globally and has proven to help in managing stress, anxiety and promoting mental clarity.

This blog post will cover some beginner yoga asanas that can help you practice yoga, explore its benefits, and improve your overall well-being.

International Yoga Day 2023

This year’s theme for International Yoga Day 2023 is ‘Yoga For Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’. It is a Sanskrit phrase that means “One Earth, One Family, and One Future”. The theme was announced by our Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It integrates the essence of yoga, which connects and unites everyone. He also emphasized the importance of practicing yoga every day.

Practicing yoga should for just one day is not going to bring any change in our lives, we must include it in our day-to-day routine to soak in all its benefits.

And yoga Day 2023 is a much-needed reminder for us to embrace this practice, learn about its benefits, spread awareness, and include it in our daily practice.

On International Yoga Day various group activities, events, and campaigns are hosted to inspire and engage individuals to practice yoga.

Getting Started with Yoga Asanas

Yoga Asanas or poses form the backbone of practicing yoga. They involve a combination of gentle movements, breathing control, and focused attention, helping you achieve mental and physical strength, flexibility, and balance. It encourages the harmonious union of mind, body, and spirit.

As a beginner embarking on your yoga journey can be both challenging and exciting. So here are some tips that help you smoothen your journey and practice yoga safely:

  • Consider attending yoga classes or taking help from a well-trained certified yoga instructor so they can provide you proper guidance, and help you perform better.
  • Start with beginner-friendly yoga asanas such as Mountain pose (Tadasana), Downward-facing pose (Adho- Mukha Svanasana), Child’s pose (Balasana), etc.
  • Be patient and respect your body’s limits. Rather than pushing yourself too hard in the beginning, progress at your own pace and level up as you gain more confidence and strength.
  • Before practicing yoga asanas inculcate gentle movements and stretches to warm your body. And after practicing, incorporate a cool down to relax and recover.
  • Take deep breaths and focus on them throughout your practice to cultivate mindfulness, relax, and connect in the present moment.
  • Practice yoga consistently and inculcate it in your routine.
Essential yoga asanas for beginners

Let’s explore some yoga asanas that you can start practicing as a beginner and kick off your yoga journey this International Yoga Day 2023.

Mountain Pose

A beginner-friendly yoga asana to improve your body posture, and increase your balance.


  • Stand straight on your feet.
  • Balance your weight between both feet.
  • Engage your leg muscles, and gently tuck your tailbone.
  • Lengthen your spine, and roll your shoulders back and down.
  • Relax down your arms by your side with your arms facing forward.
  • Take down deep breaths and focus on the present moment.

Downward-facing dog

It is a soul-recharging yoga asana that can help you release all your stress and anxiety.


  • While standing on your knees and hands. Raise your knees from the ground and your hips towards the ceilings.
  • Keep your head between your arms and downwards between your feet.
  • Lengthen your spine and straighten your legs as much as comfortable.
  • Relax your neck, shoulders and engage your core muscles.

Chids pose

This asana can help you in increasing your body strength, and blood circulation.


  • Sit down on your knees comfortably.
  • Gently lower your body towards the mat.
  • Stretch your arms, and place your palms and forehead on the mat.
  • Inhale deep relaxing breaths and focus on the current moment.
Preparing for International Yoga Day 2023

Preparing for yoga day in advance can help you make the most out of this amazing day and take all the benefits of yoga. It will help you enjoy yoga day with enthusiasm, purpose, and a memorable experience.

Having a dedicated space for practicing yoga can help you improve your focus, and experience comfort and peace.

  • Choose a quiet space for practicing yoga with minimal distractions and disturbance.
  • Clear the clutter and remove all the distractions.
  • Add soft lighting, plants, and scented candles to enhance your overall experience.

Remember to not limit yourself by practicing yoga only for one day, practicing it consistently is going to help you make a difference, experience its transformative benefits and cultivate a deeper connection.


In conclusion, this blog post helped you explore the benefits of practicing yoga, different yoga asanas that you can practice as a beginner, and the significance of international yoga day.

Yoga Day 2023, presents an incredible opportunity for beginners to start practicing yoga, and participate in special events and campaigns.

With this blog post, we want to encourage you to enjoy the mental and physical benefits of practicing yoga and inculcate it into your daily routine.


Further reading