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MBA students learn values, ethics and more from Dr Ashok Chitkara

Published on August 5, 2014 | 3056 views

A month full of extremely enlightening & motivational insights – Dr Ashok K Chitkara shares his most valuable knowledge and wonderful experiences with the MBA students.

It was indeed an entire month full of ecstasy and overwhelming sharing of valuable experiences for the students as well as the staff of Chitkara Business School. A matter of proud privilege for them, Dr Ashok K Chitkara, being the most ardent and passionate teacher, took up this very encouraging initiative of teaching one entire module to the students. The module was of Business Ethics and Values where he had covered very interesting topics related to Marketing Ethics, Business Ethics and Finance, Business Ethics and HR and Corporate Governance. The students have had an extremely fruitful experience as they have gained so much from Dr Chitkara’s golden words and through his vast ocean of knowledge and experiences.

The students had a great time learning from him as very thought-provoking presentations and case studies of the present day scenario were shared with them. Interesting videos and stories relevant to the topics were also shown which made the students reflect more and learn in an entirely different way.

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