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EYBDO delivers blood to 5350 people

Published on August 4, 2014 | 2381 views

Compassion is the soul of being humane and this is one aspect that is vanishing fast among human beings. But we at Chitkara University consider this aspect as one of the most important element of the Chitkara teaching methodology. Following this, we always encourage students to take up a social cause and work for it and this is what our students did when they realized that we are facing a massive shortage of blood in hospitals and blood banks.

About 10 students from Chitkara University started a campaign using social networking medium to support blood donation. This led to the students invite several others from various educational institutions and asking them to be a part of this group called EYBDO. Today, this organization has been able to deliver blood to about 5350 people.

The organization has now taken up the cause of free education to under privileged children and have termed this project ‘Book of Tree’. For this, they are planning to open free coaching centres for these children and planning to provide free books to them.



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