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CCN organised ICMR Sponsored Symposium ‘Substance Use Disorders among Adolescents – A Wake up Call’

Published on February 22, 2016 | 2059 views

Chitkara College of Nursing organized ICMR Sponsored Symposium ‘Substance Use Disorders among Adolescents – A Wake up Call’. Eminent speakers from GMCH-32 Chandigarh, CMC delivered their Expert Lecturers covering the different aspects of substance use disorders. Dr. Madhu Chitkara, Vice Chancellor, Chitkara University addressed the audience and appreciated the thought of organising such a symposium which is need of the hour.

Prof. Dr Ajeet Sidana, Department of Psychiatry GMCH -32, Chandigarh talked about the Magnitude of Substance use disorders-Broad categorization, risk factors, psychological and physical dependence, legal, social economic consequences.

Prof. Dr.Sandeep Goyal, Psychiatrist, CMC&H, Ludhiana Enlightened the audience about symptoms of drug use disorders , their Management and various Drug De-addiction Program in India.

Dr.Archana, Clinical Psychologist, GMCH-32 Chandigarh imparted the knowledge on role of parents in Substance use disorders, preventive and corrective measures parents as well family should take.

Ms.Bandana Bisht, Vice Principal , Chitkara college of Nursing discussed about Peer pressure, types of peer pressure and adolescent get addicted towards various substance by the influence of their friends like they want to fit in with friends or certain groups.

Ms.Virtu Chongtham gave a excellent coverage on the role of Mentors in preventing Substance Use Disorders, how they can help their pupil from indulging in such activities.


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