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Expert talk by Prof Harry Garg from CSIR-CSIO, Chandigarh

Published on November 10, 2014 | 3194 views

Chitkara School of Mechanical Engineering organized an Expert talk under the aegis of students chapter of the Institution of Engineers (India) on ‘Miniaturized Liquid Cooling Systems for High Performance’ for students.

The talk was delivered by Prof. Harry Garg, Sr. Scientist, CSIR-CSIO, Chandigarh. The resource person has patent in this area. In his session, research and development of different cooling systems used in the electronic industry (MEMS) were explained to students. More than 150 students of mechanical engineering attended the lecture.

The guest speaker focused well on the topic and explained every intricate detail of the aspects covered in his lecture.

All the students found the session informative and it was a learning experience as they interacted with the expert. Faculty of mechanical engineering also interacted with the expert regarding R&D of small components.

Prof Harry Garg

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