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Run for Unity on National Unity Day

Published on November 3, 2014 | 2506 views

India is all about ‘Unity in Diversity’ and this forms the base of our existence as a nation. To celebrate the essence of unity, we observe National Unity Day and on this occasion, ‘Run for Unity Race’ was organised at Chitkara University.

It commenced with a pledge that unity will be a prime focus, keeping caste, colour and creed away. The event witnessed the participation of all faculty members. Also, students of all the batches participated with great enthusiasm and the event ended with immense ecstasy, elation and unity among students and faculty members.

Students could be seen holding a banner displaying National Unity Day with pride as others ran on the occasion. It was a splendid run for a cause and we appreciate the efforts and the zeal displayed by our students and the staff at the run.

Run for Unity

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