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Vol. 3, Issue 33, September 2017
Celebrating 100 Weeks with Our Readers' Feedback

Today Technology Connect has completed its 100 weeks of existence and the kind of support we are getting from all our readers and contributors we are very hopeful that it will go a long way. We continually receive feedback, suggestions from you that have really helped in shaping this newsletter over last two years. To make this 100th Issue a Special Issue and to offer a token of our appreciation to all our readers, we are publishing in today's issue the feedback we receive from you. We hope you will like this compilation of feedback. Also CLICK HERE to download 100th Issue Souvenir of Technology Connect.

It features useful information related to upcoming technologies
The unique aspect what I have found in almost all issues is useful information related to upcoming technologies in various applications. The list is not limited to articles on 3D printing, 5G networks, data analytics, and so on. In a nutshell, this newsletter will continue to generate innovative ideas, viable solutions to technical problems, and the way how future technology is going to impact our lives.

- Mr. T. L. Singal, Professor, EEE, Chitkara University, Punjab

Our interactions with Chitkara University are covered in Technology Connect
Congratulations on the 100th edition of the Technology Connect newsletter! I have been receiving this newsletter since Vol. 2, Issue 23. In fact, that issue highlighted the topic of 'Digital Jewelry', which I liked very much since we ourselves are working on wearable electronics. Another issue was an article on Memristor, an important fundamental component long predicted to become a reality one day. More recently an article highlighted the use of 3D printing for prosthetics applications, which is an important use of this evolving technology that fulfils a very important social need. Our own interactions with Chitkara University have been covered by the editors of Technology Connect newsletter a couple of times and it feels good to have been highlighted. Sagar Juneja, the editor and his team are doing a commendable job in bringing this newsletter out on a regular basis and keeping large numbers of readers up to date with relevant topics of significant technological importance. I wish them good luck and I look forward to reading issue number 1000!

- Mr. Dhananjay V. Gadre, Associate Professor, ECE, NSIT, New Delhi

It is an excellent solution from Chitkara University
There are so many technological advancements happening around in multiple domains but it is not possible for anybody to remain updated with all of them. An excellent solution to this problem from Chitkara University is Technology Connect. It gives an opportunity to get ourselves updated with the latest trends in technology. Like for example an article "IOT: Management and Analysis of Data" published in Technology Connect throws light on problems faced & issues to be addressed during the management and analysis of data being sent by IoT devices. Technology Connect use very easy to understand language and thus appeal to wider audience. For example article entitled "Phising - A social engineering attack" gives detailed information about this cybercrime in simplest of words. Similarly, the article "E-Waste for Water Treatment and Electricity Production - A Solution from India" gives the information that how e-waste could be reused, for example e-waste like LED, LCD glasses could be used for electrode material in MFCs (a technique used for waste water treatment).

- Dr. Sapna Saxena, Associate Professor, CSE, Chitkara University, H.P.

It enhanced my knowledge in the areas that were not much familiar to me
Congratulations for the 100th Issue milestone! Being from Electronics background, I was fascinated with the terms like Machine learning, Big Data, Data Mining etc. Technology Connect has published a number of articles related to these areas and thus helped me in developing understanding about them. "Machine Learning" is one such article which explained how machine algorithms are being used by e-commerce companies. Another article "A Glance into the Future with Big Data and Super Computers" described the use of Big Data and super-computing techniques for future prediction which was very interesting to read. Hoping to read many more interesting articles of Technology Connect in future as well.

- Ms. Lipika Gupta, HoD, ECE, Chitkara University, H.P.

Wonderful contribution to Chitkara University Community
My heartiest congratulations to the team for its tireless efforts in bringing out the latest technology trends and innovation news that "tech-connects" the people @Chitkara University to each other and to the outside world too. It keeps me informed about ideas that stimulate the thinking of people at Chitkara University, and gives me a great opportunity to connect with like-minded people. Technology Connect is such a wonderful contribution to Chitkara University community.

- Mr. Rajvir Singh, Associate Professor, EEE, Chitkara University, Punjab

It keeps us updated and at good pace
Technology Connect is a very apt title of this e-newsletter as it is connecting us with the latest and upcoming technology. On regular basis we can't spare much time to update ourselves with new technology domains by going through multiple sources, but due to this series of articles we could able to keep ourselves updated and that too at good pace. I am really thankful to you for your thought and wishing you all the best for your future publications of Technology Connect.

- Dr. Shaily Jain, Deputy Dean (CSE), Chitkara Unversity, H.P.

It added a spark to innovate, both in faculty as well as students
Since the release of its first article in June 2015 to the 100th issue in September 2017, Technology Connect has added a spark to innovate both in the minds of faculty and students. One article that I particularly liked was "4G mini towers on street lights, traffic lights and trees" published last year. It provided a good insight on how can the challenges of hardware complexity, installation cost and lack of availability of space for setting up towers can be overcome and the dream of making smart cities can be realized with this new technology.

- Ms. Ashu Taneja, Assistant Professor (ECE), Chitkara University, H.P.

Technology Connect articles are topic of discussion among students
Technology connect covers wide range of topics in information and communication technologies. Technology Connect discusses new technologies and their applications in well-defined manner and increase their reach so much so that student community also likes to read them and discuss about them. I congratulate all the contributing authors and editorial team for reaching the milestone of 100 issues. I hope that Technology Connect continues to be the igniter of technical discussions in our campus.

- Mr. Muthukumaran Kasinathan, Associate Professor, CSE, Chitkara University, H.P.

I follow the articles on microcontrollers and processors
As teachers, it is essential to keep our knowledge up-to-date and connect with those person who are doing research in same field as yours. Technology connect has done great job in doing so. I personally like to follow articles based on latest microcontrollers and processor such as - Embedded System Design using TI MSP430, Different Development Boards and their Features etc. What I liked best about this article was concise and effective comparison of latest microcontrollers.

- Mr.Sartajvir Singh Dhillon, Assistant Professor, ECE, Chitkara University, H.P.

The articles truly live up to the newsletter’s motto
Technology Connect issues that we have been receiving every week are not only providing us with information about areas which are restricted to our respective fields of study/expertise but also informing us about innovations/ideas that are being discussed in other areas of technology as well. The articles truly live up to the newsletter's motto - "staying connected with latest developments in technology". Hope to keep receiving many more articles in future as well.

- Dr. Prasenjit Das, Associate Dean, CSE, Chitkara University H.P.

Articles are informative and catchy
All the articles published in this series are informative and catchy. The articles that I liked and enjoyed the most are - 5G: Next Wave of Digital Society; Malware Attacks on Mobile Phones; Radioactive Pollution - Effects of Microwave Radiations; Smart Antenna System – An Important Pillar of Today's Wireless Communication Technology.

- Mr. Sukhraj Singh Brar, Assistant Professor, ECE, Chitkara University H.P.

Technology Connect is very informative newsletter
Technology Connect is a premier source for latest technology news. It gives you information you need to stay on top of the latest technology updates on weekly basis. It contains articles on many kinds of technologies including hardware, software, security issues etc. The newsletter is very informative and very good to read.

- Mr. Girish Rao, Associate Professor, CSE, Chitkara University, H.P.

It helps to brush-up our knowledge
The issues of Technology Connect not only provide information about new techniques, technology and fields but it also helps to brush up our knowledge on things we already know. While we read about new technology fields in the newsletter we feel motivated to apply some of these techniques to our problems/research etc.

- Mr. Gaurav Mehta, Assistant Professor, CSE, Chitkara University, H.P.

I like articles on nanotechnology published in Technology Connect
Technology connect is a very informative newsletter. It provides information regarding different areas of electronics and computer science technology. As I have done my research works in nano science I always feel excited to read articles related to nanotechnology like one of the articles entitled "Nanogenerator: Generating Electrical Energy from Breathing!" I found was very interesting.

- Ms. Manisha Aggarwal, Assistant Professor (ECE), Chitkara University, H.P.

Technology Connect keeps me updated
The articles of Technology Connect are wonderful to read, they are very informative and always focus on latest technology trends in the market. It help me connect with the latest technology and always keep me updated which I believe is a great value addition for me. Being online it is an eco-friendly way of sharing and decimating information and knowledge.

- Mr. Chetan Sharma, Assistant Dean, CSE, Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh

It keep us engaged and curious
I feel Technology Connect is a very important component of our learning system that excite us with the news and updates about latest technologies and trends. These articles keeps us engaged and curious about diverse technology that is shaping the world. This newsletter enhance our knowledge in a very effective way.

- Ms. Abha Sharma, Assistant Professor, CSE, Chitkara University, H.P.

Compiled by Mr. Sagar Juneja, Chief Editor, Technology Connect

About Technology Connect

Aim of this weekly newsletter is to share with students & faculty the latest developments, technologies, updates in the field Electronics & Computer Science and there by promoting knowledge sharing. All our readers are welcome to contribute content to Technology Connect. Just drop an email to the editor. The first Volume of Technology Connect featured 21 Issues published between June 2015 and December 2015. The second Volume of Technology Connect featured 46 Issues published between January 2016 and December 2016. This is Volume 3.

Previous Issue

Computational Photography for Image Enhancement
Click here!

Archives - Random Issue from Vol. 1 & 2

Use of Electronics Beyond Development of Latest Computing Technologies
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Editorial Team

Chief Editor: Sagar Juneja
Members: Gitesh Khurani,
Arun Goyal.

Disclaimer:The content of this newsletter is contributed by Chitkara University faculty & taken from resources that are believed to be reliable.The content is verified by editorial team to best of its accuracy but editorial team denies any ownership pertaining to validation of the source & accuracy of the content. The objective of the newsletter is only limited to spread awareness among faculty & students about technology and not to impose or influence decision of individuals.