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Vol. 3, Issue 20, June 2017
Radioactive Pollution - Effects of Microwave Radiations

Microwaves (MW) are a form of electromagnetic radiations. MW radiations are on the low energy end of the energy spectrum, second to radio waves. Microwaves are radio waves only. Radio waves cover a wide band with frequency ranging from 3KHz to 300GHz. Of the complete radio frequency band microwaves resides in the upper range of 300MHz to 300GHz. Going higher on the energy spectrum (toward higher frequency) microwave is followed by infra-red, visible, UV, X-Ray and Gamma Rays.

Radioactive Pollution is major source of pollution after air, water & noise pollution and has serious biological effects. Radioactive pollution is caused by increase in radiation levels due to human activities and this is quite significant. It is not only the high energy X-ray radiations or radiation from radioactive material used in nuclear plants that contributes to radioactive pollution; the low energy Microwave is also a significant contributor and irony is that we are surrounded by Microwaves all the time as microwave find applications in many areas like Telecommunications, Medical, Space, Defense, Radar, Surveillance/Security, Homes (Food).

Microwave Applications in Telecommunication

The modern day weapon systems, guided missile use microwave. Radar systems, electronics jammers and other advanced communication systems of defense are based on microwave technology. We are surrounded by mobile phone devices that uses wireless communication and are a source of microwave radiations. We will all agree that the wireless connectivity today is like it was never before, all thanks to thousands of mobile phone towers, broadcast antennas, and satellite communication etc. But all these are source of microwave radiations and has ill effects on health. According to Government of India Report (in 2015), World Health Organization (WHO) has classified the radio frequency electromagnetic radiations/field emitted from wireless phone under group 2 B-carcinogen category. Carcinogen is a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue. Also, how can we forget microwave oven that is an essential part of all most all households today? Microwave oven has magnetron inside it that generates microwave radiations to heat the food. Though the food cooked in microwave is perfectly safe to consume, but there are some side effects. Mircowave has a capacity to break chemical and molecular bond thereby disrupting the basic biochemical structure of the food, also some scientists claim that microwaving renders food unhealthy and devoid of nutrition. Microwaving some of the food leads to the formation of carcinogen substance. Leakage in the microwave (if the appliance is damaged) could cause damage to the user.

Brain is the most sensitive target organ for MW radiation causing brain structural damage and dysfunction. MW radiation affects many human systems like nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, immune, reproductive, and hematopoietic systems. An epidemiological surveyed that excessive exposure to MW radiations could cause fatigue, headache, memory loss etc.

As we have seen there are so many sources of microwave radiations around us and we certainly cannot get rid of them. The best we can do is to become more aware of their harmful effects & use them judiciously according to the product manuals and guidelines of use.

By – Sagar Juneja, Research Associate & Vaishali Gupta, Asst. Prof., CSE, Chiktara University, H.P.


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Aim of this weekly newsletter is to share with students & faculty the latest developments, technologies, updates in the field Electronics & Computer Science and there by promoting knowledge sharing. All our readers are welcome to contribute content to Technology Connect. Just drop an email to the editor. The first Volume of Technology Connect featured 21 Issues published between June 2015 and December 2015. The second Volume of Technology Connect featured 46 Issues published between January 2016 and December 2016. This is Volume 3.

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Chief Editor: Sagar Juneja
Members: Ms Sandhya Sharma, Gitesh Khurani
Arun Goyal, Ankush Gupta.

Disclaimer:The content of this newsletter is contributed by Chitkara University faculty & taken from resources that are believed to be reliable.The content is verified by editorial team to best of its accuracy but editorial team denies any ownership pertaining to validation of the source & accuracy of the content. The objective of the newsletter is only limited to spread awareness among faculty & students about technology and not to impose or influence decision of individuals.